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The Public Conscience

Are there realities about a public consciousness in meeting an efficient grace of being well? What the law delivers establishes a common effort of meeting this wellness, wholeness and Eternal happiness.

Do we have a public standard of ordered grace? Is it American?

Meryl Viola Bravo

"The spiritual awakening to the Christian faith became possible because there were men in Israel whose hearts were searching, who were not satisfied with the current customs and were watching for something greater: Mary, Elizabeth, the Twelve, and all the others who appear in the New Testament.  The Gentile Church became possible because, both in the Mediterranean  region and in those areas of the Near and Middle East that were reached by the missionaries, there were expectant people who did not content themselves with the status quo but who were looking for the star that would show them the way to the true Savior of the world.  To speak of the unique and universal Mediator of salvation, Jesus Christ, in no way implies disdain for other religions; but it is decidedly opposed to the resignation of those who say that man is incapable of truth and to the convenient inaction of letting everything continue as before.  The Christian message appeals to the yearning deep in the heart of all men, to the longing that awaits something greater, God himself, the truth that is common to all" (Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal, On the Way to Jesus Christ, (c)2005 Ignatius Press, San Francisco, pg 75).


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